
Family Child Care

Looking for a rewarding career? Looking for Child Care? Get paid to work from home?

Family Child Care

There are lots of advantages in becoming a Licensed Family Child Care Provider:

  • Air Force FCC Program will assist with lending materials and equipment from our Lending Library
  • Stay home and raise your own children while earning an income
  • Set your own hours
  • Charge your own rates
  • Free training
  • Assistance for those seeking CDAs (Child Development Association Certification) and assistance with NAFCC (National Association for Family Child Care) accreditation

For more information: Call 325.654.3239. Attend an FCC orientation and complete the application packet

Goodfellow program

We’re seeking providers for our military community to offer:

Extended Duty Hours

To assist families when weekly parental workloads, due to extended duty hours, exceed to normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care.

Expanded Child Care

Child care available for children 2 weeks to 12 years of age.

Deployment/Remote Assignment Child Care Support

16 hours of childcare pre-deployment, 16 hours each month of deployment/remote and 16 hours of post deployment. Deployed for a minimum of 30 days.

FCC 24/7 Child Care

To assist families when their work schedules are outside normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care.

Home Community Care

Provides care for Guard and Reserves during their regularly scheduled drill periods for training periods and unit trainings.

Emergency Medical Care

Assisting families who are experiencing a medical situation with an immediate family member.

Wounded Warrior

To assist families when a wounded warrior has medical appointments to include retirees.

Child Care Support for Fallen Warriors

To assist families with civilian and military appointments to deal with a fallen warrior.

PCS Child Care for Army, Navy, and Marines Assigned to AF Led

PCS Child Care for Army, Navy, and Marines Assigned to AF Led

Installations and All Services Transition Assistance Child Care

20 hours of childcare at both departing and inbound installations. The hours may be used up to 60 days before or 60 days after the move.

Air Force Aid Society Child Care for Volunteers

To recognize the importance of volunteers to the installation by assisting with childcare expenses.

CONUS Exceptional Family Member Program Respite Care

Assist with short term specialized childcare.

FCC Provider Orientation Child Care

To support FCC applicants as they go through the process of becoming FCC providers.


Assist family’s utilization of an FCC home and pay the same weekly fee they would pay for childcare in an Air Force CDC or SAP.

*Please note that any and all subsides are payed to the provider according to a time sheet provided by a coordinator

Community Based Child Care Programs

Child Care Aware of America Programs is designed to assist CONUS Air Force families who do not have access to on installation CDC, SAC, or FCC providers. For eligibility requirements and questions, please visit their website here or call 1.800.424.2246.