You are invited to the 42nd Annual Santa’s Market Craft Fair and Community Appreciation Day at Goodfellow Air Force Base!

This San Angelo tradition is the ultimate artisan and handmade craft sale, and the one day Goodfellow is open to the public.

Vendors come from all over Texas & neighboring areas & would love to show you their crafts.

Santa will arrive on a fire truck and you’ll see demos by our Goodfellow squardons.

There will also be scheduled bus tours for the public to get to see the base as well!


For more information or if you would like to be a vendor,
contact Arts & Crafts at (325) 654-3237
(Closed Sundays-Mondays & Federal Holidays)


All Knives

Guns / Weapons

Drugs / Paraphenalia / THC & CBD




Expect possible bag checks.

By order of the Installation Commander & Section 18 U.S.C 930 (a), (b) and (c)

A valid conceal-carry licence does NOT authorize carry of concealed weapons inside this facility.

Don’t miss Santa!
He will be here for photos between 1pm-3pm!

Santa's Market Vendor Packet

Vendors will need to fill out and return this form with the table fee as either check or money order.

Entry Procedures for Vendors

Vendors please review the security procedures before participating in Santa’s Market.